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Writer's pictureJohn Britto Parisutham

Third Get together - 25th, 26th July 2022 Kalpathru Global School, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.

Updated: May 1, 2023

Report by Mr. S. Santiago, JOBA Country Leader (India)

Good morning.

JOBA-Kalpathru inspiring cooperation, collaboration and working together to the the future of children, planet earth and the humanity...

This 3rd meet of JOBA expert team with Kalpathru Global School..these two days meet is something I get a feeling of joy and meaning we all have been holding dear in heart and soul from the triggering first meet we had in மருதம் farm, later in our second meet in Madurai searching for our roots and trying to find the uniqueness of our historical and cultural expressions of wisdom as we increasingly find in our life and living as distinct and part of the whole of this one Humane World with all its spontaneous push, pull and dialectics towards perfect balance of Nature-Man-Cosmic being and becoming..

While the serene environment, openness and purity of purposeful journey of Kalpathru Global School with all its care, concern and hospitality of Nithya ma'am, we are thankful and grateful to her set the tone for the meeting, the participation of her teaching faculty is something amazing that brought consonance with all our journey in search of relevance and meaning of our work and engagement for the future of this planet earth and the humanity as it always start with the children as they are the continuum and hope of life of the entire universe.

The presentation of JOBA Founder John Britto together with our heritage anchor Pamayan into that of Education 6.0 from an analytical and reflective points views, its principles and Philosophy over research and experience increasingly binds us as team with all difference and uniqueness. Hats of to both of them specially of course with inputs from all members of JOBA expert team.

The afternoon session facilitated by Magi that brought out the activities profile making the philosophy realisable in concrete reality of children today, thanks to the good active participation of the Kalpathru teaching faculty enhanced our hope and confidence of our meaning and its worth.

Although struggled a bit in the evening session as to work out a Matrix for greater understanding of all its inter-connectedness, worth the exercise at least to take the first step in our endeavour.

The second day, thanks to the wonderful planning of exposure to our cultural heritage and history as lived in the great city of Thanjavur those days and context, it all the more strengthened in our firm conviction, the relevance of our journey together.

The afternoon panel discussion with the parents of Kalpathru Golbal School though small in number but so deep in articulation with meaningful inputs from four Panelists well facilitated by Britto and later in validated by Nithya ma'am has given all of us further steps of our journeying together.

The entire two days gives me a feeling as if we all have been in a world of meaning, joy, happiness, fulfilment and joy..and sure this feeling, and meaning of compassion to the future of children in which our own life and living is an integral part is going to be spread length and breadth over time and space.

Thank you all, of course to JOBA Founder Britto and of course Nithya ma'am and her wonderful team of Kalpathru Global School specially the best care and hospitality extended to us. Good day and all the best. We keep rocking in journeying together.

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