
Transformative Partnership
Welcome to a transformative partnership opportunity with John Britto Academy for schools seeking to make a lasting impact on education and sustainability. Through collaborative efforts, schools can now join hands with JOBA to become internationally certified Sustainable Schools, fostering a culture of eco-consciousness and responsible living.

Collaboration Process
The collaboration process is designed to be seamless and empowering for schools. Upon entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with JOBA, schools are required to identify and select a dedicated teacher to spearhead the implementation of sustainability initiatives within the school community. This appointed teacher, guided and advised by the school's Headmasters and management, plays a pivotal role in bringing about positive change.

The key to this collaboration lies in the introduction of courses on sustainable living, with the selected teacher extending this knowledge to all students. Interested students, forming BIONITY Clubs embark on a collective journey towards sustainable practices. Each club, ideally comprising 20-30 students, is led by a convenor chosen from among the club members. Facilitating teachers, known as 'BIONITY Ambassadors,' undergo online orientation to connect with JOBA's global initiatives.

International Certification
These BIONITY Clubs, driven by the enthusiasm and commitment of students and educators alike, serve as a crucial link between the school and JOBA's international network. The convenor and ambassador work together to organize online classes, facilitating an exchange of ideas and insights with JOBA's country leader. This collaborative framework ensures that schools not only receive international certification but also become hubs for sustainable education and positive change.

Join Now
Join hands with John Britto Academy, and let's work together to create a generation of responsible global citizens. Visit www.johnbrittoacademy.com to explore the possibilities of transforming your school into an internationally certified Sustainable School through collaboration with JOBA.
How does collaboration work?
Step 1: The school that wishes to become a JOBA School should enter into an MOU with JOBA Australia. Contact us to get a copy of MOU.
Step 2: JOBA will assist JOBA School to organise separate orientation programmes for the management of the school, teachers, PTA, and students.
Step 3: JOBA School will then identify and select a teacher or teachers to implement this programme at the school level interfacing with the families of the children.
Step 4: This teacher/s will be called JOBA Ambassador/s. They will be guided and advised by JOBA International Experts.
Step 5: JOBA Ambassador/s will create a JOBA Club with interested students and their families. JOBA Club can have members of 10-20 students and their families.
Step 6: JOBA School will be assisted to do the following:
JOBA modules on JOBA's Five Pillars
To teach JOBA modules within their country syllabus, comprising of five pillars of JOBA. The five pillars are Universal Values, Sustainable Living Practices, Life and Work Skills, Art and Literature, Collaboration.
JOBA co-curriculum
To Operate JOBA Students Clubs as a co-curriculum activity. The members of the club will involve in activities related to five pillars of JOBA.
JOBA Online Courses
To attend 'online courses' specially designed for school leaders, schoolteachers, parents, non-teaching staff, parents and community members on the five pillars of JOBA.
Research, Documentation and Publication
To be part of global research programmes and learn from them and to get international experts' help in school's documentations and publications.
International Competitions
To participate in 'International Competitions' and get 'International Awards'. The awards are given annually for various categories. All the stakeholders of the school are eligible for such awards.
International Exchange Programmes and exposure visits
To take part in 'International Exchange Programmes' and 'exposures' worldwide.
International Accreditation
To improve the status of the school based on the advice of the JOBA international experts’ team and to get Internationally accredited certificate from JOBA Australia as a JOBA School partner.